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the mercy

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Mesão Frio “is an association of the faithful, constituted in the canonical juridical order” with the mission “to practice social solidarity, embodied in the works of Misericórdia, and carry out acts of Catholic worship”.

Considering the Vision, Misericórdia intends to be recognized as an institution with benchmark social responses, for providing humanized services to society. At the same time, it looks at its future action based on a set of values, of which the following stand out: autonomy, lifelong learning, humanization, charity, dignity, ethics, innovation, training, responsibility and loyalty, honesty, integrity and quality.

The Institution's Objectives are:

  • Promote healthy aging;

  • Offer quality services to children and their families;

  • Provide the satisfaction of basic needs;

  • Promote user/family relationships;

  • Satisfy customers by providing innovative and quality services;

  • Improve the institutional image;

  • Promote the development of actions aimed at diversifying the Institution's income.

The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Mesão Frio plays a fundamental role in the community where it operates, constituting indicators of this situation to:

• Organizational - functional dynamics of the Institution;

• quality of services provided;

• active collaboration in partnership work;

• adhesion and interest of the population, with increasing requests from parishes and isolated places (where there is no equipment).

Lar Hospital, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mesão Frio
Brasão Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mesão Frio

Holy House of Mercy of Mesão Frio

Tel: 254 893 133

Fax: 254 891 403

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Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mesão Frio 2015

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