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Empowerment for inclusion

Project Identification and Framework:

  • Application notice: POISE-30-2017-01;

  • Project No. POISE-03-4230-FSE-000692;

  • Social Inclusion and Employment Operational Program;

  • Fund: ESF – European Social Fund;

  • Priority Axis: Promote social inclusion and fight poverty and discrimination;

  • Thematic objective: Promote social inclusion and fight poverty and discrimination;

  • Investment Priority: Active inclusion, with a view to promoting equality, equal opportunities and active participation and improving employability;

  • Type of operation: 3.05 - Training for inclusion.

Amounts Involved:

  • Total eligible cost: €29,616.66;

  • ESF contribution: €25,174.16;

  • National Public Contribution: €4,442.50;

  • Project start date: 05/01/2018;

  • Project end date: 12/31/2018;

  • Project Location: North Region (Nut II);

Project Description and Objectives:

The project presents an intervention adapted to the needs of the Municipality, taking advantage of synergies with the social action services of Santa Casa da Misericórdia in Mesão Frio, with the objective of improving the social and personal skills of populations at risk of exclusion in Mesão Frio.

The intention is to invert this situation, creating bases so that they can start courses of double certification or that they can enter the labor market.

Expected results:

Participants from disadvantaged groups in formation of training paths = 16.

Participants from disadvantaged groups who were certified at the end of training courses = 87.5%.

Training volume = 4,800 hours.


100% of eligible expenses.

Brasão Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mesão Frio
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Brasão Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mesão Frio

Holy House of Mercy of Mesão Frio

Tel: 254 893 133

Fax: 254 891 403

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Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mesão Frio 2015

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