The Importance of Partnership
The multidimensional nature of existing problems in society, and more specifically in the municipality of Mesão Frio, raises new forms of intervention, which aim to minimize existing problems and meet the needs that technicians from different areas will feel throughout their work. In this sense, partnership relationships emerge, as a participatory methodology between different institutions and/or entities, which promote an inter-institutional work culture, allowing a cooperative relationship with a view to greater quality and effectiveness in interventions (Castro, Luis/ ISS).
The concept of partnership should be understood as a continuous and progressive process, which assumes a model of transformation, whose dialogue and cooperation between the different partners allows for joining efforts in a joint intervention, proposing common goals and purposes for all involved in the action. The partnership provides for actions and activities that respond to the various existing problems, in which the partners involved in the joint action deem it necessary to intervene. However, it is through this participatory methodology that common strategies are created so that it is possible to identify and solve the different problems existing in society.
Given the methodology of working in partnership, the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Mesão Frio is a partner entity of the main organizations/programs in the county, contributing objectively and impartially, not only in the processes of social development, but also in the concrete dynamization of actions that lead to an improvement in the living conditions of Mesaofrienses.