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Social Insertion Income (RSI)

Local Insertion Nucleus (NLI)

What is RSI?

It is a support for the poorest individuals and families, consisting of:

  • an insertion contract to help them integrate socially and professionally;

  • a cash installment to meet their basic needs.

In order to receive Social Insertion Income, people enter into and sign an Insertion Contract, which contains a set of duties and rights, with a view to their social and professional integration.

What is NLI?

The Local Insertion Nucleus is an operational structure of RSI, which is responsible for approving insertion contracts and organizing the means inherent to its pursuit of its responsibilities, monitoring and evaluating their respective execution. It also plays an important role in promoting and raising awareness of the local community and social agents to share responsibilities for social and economic inclusion.

Where does NLI work?

The Local Insertion Nucleus operates in the Santa Casa da Misericórdia facilities, located at Av. Dr. Domingos Monteiro, 149 5040-351 Mesão Frio.

How is the NLI Constituted?

The NLI of the municipality of Mesão Frio is made up of a representative of the Social Security District Center of Vila Real (coordinator), a representative of the Municipality of Mesão Frio, a representative of the Employment Center – Vila Real, a representative of the Mesão Frio Health Center, and by a representative of the Mesão Frio Schools Group – mandatory partners – by a representative of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Mesão Frio, by a representative of the Mesão Frio Child and Youth Protection Commission and by a representative of the 2000 Development Support Association – A2000 – non-mandatory representatives.

Brasão Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mesão Frio

Holy House of Mercy of Mesão Frio

Tel: 254 893 133

Fax: 254 891 403

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Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mesão Frio 2015

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