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The Brotherhood of Mercy of Mesão Frio is made up of all its current Brothers and those who will be admitted to it in the future, and the number of Brothers is unlimited.

Who can be a Brother?

Individuals of both sexes who cumulatively meet the following conditions:

a) Are of legal age;

b) Are natural or resident in the municipality of Mesão Frio or linked to the Irmandade da Misericórdia through ties of affection;

c) Enjoy a good moral and social reputation;

d) Accept the principles of Christian doctrine and morals and demonstrate, through their social conduct or public activity, respect for the Catholic religion and its foundations;

e) Reveal a spirit of humanist fraternity and commit to living and practicing the Works of Mercy with a Christian charitable spirit, in order to collaborate in the pursuit of the objectives of the Brotherhood of Mercy;

f) Obliged to satisfy the entrance fee and pay the social fee.

How can I apply for Brotherhood?

The candidacy is made through a proposal signed by two Brothers and the candidate himself, in which the candidate, in particular, fills in his/her complete identification and indicates the address and email address, as well as expressing acceptance to take an oath in order to comply with fidelity. and loyalty to the obligations and duties of a Brother.

The proposal will be submitted for deliberation by the Administrative Board at an ordinary meeting after the presentation to the administrative services of the Irmandade da Misericórdia.

For knowledge of the rights and duties of a Brother, see the SCMMF Fellowship Commitment here.

Brasão Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mesão Frio

Holy House of Mercy of Mesão Frio

Tel: 254 893 133

Fax: 254 891 403

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Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mesão Frio 2015

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