Organic Structure
According to the Commitment of the Brotherhood of Mercy, the General Assembly, the Administrative Board and the Fiscal Council, also called the Definitory, are social bodies.
general meeting
The General Assembly is made up of all the Brothers in full enjoyment of their associative rights, in which the sovereign deliberative power of the Brotherhood of Mercy resides and is directed by the respective Bureau, which is composed of a president, vice-president and a secretary.
It is your responsibility, among other things, to define the fundamental lines of action of the Brotherhood; elect the members of the respective Bureau and all or most of the members of Organs executive and supervisory bodies; and annually appraise and vote on the budget and program of action for the following year, as well as the management report and accounts.
Administrative Desk
The Administrative Bureau is the administrative body of the Irmandade da Misericórdia, consisting of the Ombudsman, Vice-Provider, Secretary, Treasurer and three members.
It is incumbent upon the Bureau to manage the Institution and represent it, being responsible for guaranteeing the realization of the beneficiaries' rights; annually prepare and submit to the supervisory body's opinion the management report and accounts, as well as the budget and action program for the following year; ensure the organization and functioning of services; organize the staff to hire and manage the Brotherhood staff; represent the Fellowship in or out of court; and ensure compliance with the law, the Commitment and the deliberations of the Bodies of the Brotherhood.
Fiscal Council
The Supervisory Board, or Definitory, is the supervisory body of the Irmandade da Misericórdia and is composed of a President, a Vice-President and a Reporting Secretary. It is incumbent upon him to monitor compliance with the law and the Commitment, namely, to supervise the Institution's bookkeeping and documents, whenever he deems it convenient; attend, or be represented by one of its members, the meetings of the executive body, whenever it deems it convenient; and give an opinion on the report, accounts and budgets and on all matters that the executive body submits to its appreciation.