Parade of Popular Saints

Next Saturday, June 24th, at 8:30 pm, the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Mesão Frio will hold the traditional parade of the Popular Saints through Vila de Mesão Frio. The parade has the participation of employees, governing bodies, users and their families.
2017 job fair

On May 19, the Santa Casa da Misericórdia in Mesão Frio, within the scope of the Professional Insertion Office (GIP), will hold the Mesão Frio Employment, Entrepreneurship, Qualification, Training and Guidance Fair.
This activity is developed in partnership with the Project “Porta D`Ouro CLDS 3G” (Local Social Development Contracts - Third Generation), Mesão Frio City Council, Prof. António da Natividade, Mesão Frio and other entities that are part of the Social Network of the municipality of Mesão Frio.
You will have at your disposal a wide range of training offers, job offers, as well as the entrepreneur's bench.
ICBAS Country Mission - Mesão Frio 2017

From the 4th to the 11th of February, the "Missão Pais" enriched and brightened the day of the users of the Misericórdia of Mesão Frio.
This Catholic project organizes and develops University Missions in several colleges in the country. Mesão Frio received the visit of more than fifty young students from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar (ICBAS), which with its mission of witnessing the faith in Jesus, infected the hearts of users, collaborators and management of Mercy.
This was the last year of mission in Mesão Frio and had the motto “Mother, are you coming to visit me?”.
concert of kings

The Church of Santa Cristina was the stage for the Meeting of Cantares de Reis, which took place on January 8th, in front of an audience full of people. The event, organized by Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mesão Frio, featured the performance of the Grupo Coral da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mesão Frio and the Grupo Coral de S. Miguel Lobrigos, who performed the traditional songs alluding to the festivity. These two choral groups honorably and enthusiastically fulfilled the tradition of singing the Kings, offering the audience brilliant performances, marking the end of the Christmas celebrations.
The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Mesão Frio thanks everyone who contributed to the event.
concert of kings